Pubg unban in india 100%

Finally Pubg Unban in India 100%

Pubg mobile has taken all over the publishing responsibilities.

As of my last blog I wrote about pubg banned in India. I mentioned about why is pubg banned in India but now as we have breaking news which is about the publishing responsibilities.

Pubg mobile is the mobile version of playerunknown's battlegrounds (PUBG), which is owned and developed by pubg corporation, a South Korean gaming company named Bluehole. The company is engaged in developing and publishing pubg on multiple platforms including pubg mobile to provide the best player experiences possible to the players.

The big development is.

Pubg corporation is monitoring the situation around the recent ban of pubg mobile in India but has seen an overwhelming amount of love and support for the game from the country's players and would love to thank the community for the passion in the game.

The big muse is the decision made by pubg corporation that they no longer authorised pubg mobile franchise to tencent games which was by Chinese will no longer be there in India.

In fact public corporation will be taking all the publishing responsibilities within the country itself. As the company is exploring ways to provide its own pubg experience for India in the coming future, by sustaining a localised and healthy gameplay environment for its fans in India.

Pubg corporation understand and respect the measures taken by the government of India as the privacy and security of player data is the top priority for the company as well. The company wants to work as a team with the Indian government to find the solutions that will allow gamers to drop into the battleground while being fully safe compliant with Indian rules and regulations. 

For more updates keep on sticking to the blog and make yourself ready to meet me in the battleground again very soon till then stay home stay safe!


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